mardi 29 novembre 2011

Study Japanese in Japan

For those who would like to go to study Japanese in Japan, here is a selection of website listing several japanese schools

The Japanese Language School Guide allow you to find a school by city and also explain the procedures to obtain a student visa.

The Japanese Language School DATABASE is a Database with detailed information about the types of courses available, price, length of courses, % of successful applicants of Japanese Language Proficiency Test, and allow a fast and objective comparison.

The Arc Academy's website offer a smaller list of Japanese language school mainly from Tokyo and Osaka with also a list of schools offering Business Japanese courses.

The Association for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education's website is an other website offering a list of school sorted by region and admission conditions.

Asahi Nihongo is a Japanese language school in Fukuoka, the south of Japan, offering different Japanese language courses and internship programs in Japanese firms.

Kanrin Japanese School is a Japanese language in Yokohama offering different Japanese language courses to prepare for the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test.

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